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Joakim Norling
Dec 10, 20192 min read
4 or 6 questions for Michael Orr
Can you tell me something about your beginnings and background as an artist? I find it hard to talk about my art and its process. There...
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Joakim Norling
May 24, 20195 min read
Marco Giovenale's Enciclopedia Asemica
One of our favourite books so far this year is our friend Marco Giovenale's Enciclopedia Asemica (Ikona Liber). The book ends with an...
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Joakim Norling
Apr 17, 20191 min read
3 questions for Danni Storm
What does the title "testbillede" mean and what did you set out to achieve with this work? The title is a wordplay. ”Testbillede” can be...
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